1 Samuel 27 -31
This was a really bizarre story and it most certainly raised quite a few questions.
Samuel died. It's doesn't really say much about it, other than, "all Israel had mourned for him." (28:3) Meanwhile, the Lord's spirit had left Saul and he needed advise for the upcoming battle. Since his adviser was dead, Saul went to see a medium (witch, psychic) to call up Samuel.
...and Samuel comes. What the heck? The first thing he says is, "Why have you disturbed me by calling me back?"
OK, first of of all, wow. Do psychics really talk to the dead? I've always been a skeptic when people claim to see or call up the dead. I mean, I realize there are psychics and I believe they really can communicate with the spirit world. But I guess I assumed it evil spirits. I thought it could be possible that the these spirits that have previously known some who are now dead, could know details about their lives and pretend to be them and speak through a "medium" who allows himself (or herself) to be used by those demon spirits.
Was this a one time event? Does this happen today? Do psychics really talk to the dead as the medium did in 1 Samuel?
Second thing, it makes no mention of this being wrong. It does say that Saul banned all mediums but nothing is mentioned in this context about how God feels or what He thinks about them. I know there is scripture that warns us about staying away from these practices, but this passage just tells that facts, as though it was an everyday occurrence and that there's really nothing wrong with it. That surprised me.
Then, Samuel tells Saul that he and his sons will be "here with me tomorrow". In other words they are going to die in battle, but will Saul really go to the same place Samuel has gone? Really?
Saul, whom the bible says, "God's spirit has left", is going to join Samuel, a man of God, a prophet? Where exactly is he? Is he in heaven? Does that mean Saul's going to heaven? ...or perhaps there's a pit stop where people are gathered and divided? I think somewhere in scripture it says that people "sleep" after they die, until Christ's return, but this is before Jesus walked the earth. And it's one of those things that you aren't really sure exactly how to interpret.
Gah!! So many questions!
Like I said, it's a bizarre little story that raises so many questions for me. It certainly doesn't make me question my faith in God, or my salvation through Jesus but I just kind of wonder about these things.
I'm a "question asker" to begin with. I don't just like to know how to do something, I want to know why it's done that way.
I believe that some of my questions will be answered as I dig in deeper to the word. But unfortunately, there are just some questions that I will never know...this side of heaven. And that's OK.
Because that, to me, is faith.
Not knowing everything, but still trusting.
Not seeing, but believing.
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