Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If the shoe fits (and doesn't blister my feet)....

Deuteronomy 5-11

After reviewing the commandments, (you'd think they would know them off by heart by now) Moses, again, stresses that they need to be careful and obey all of them.  He repeats, "if you love God with all of your heart - God will greatly bless you." 

If they don't - they will be destroyed just as their enemies have been.

So, he's reminded them of the commandments, but now he's about to give them a set of regulations that will teach them how to demonstrate their unique relationship with God. 

He explains to them, for the upteenth time, that these laws are for their own good.  To help them prosper

He warns them never to foget that it was God that brought them to where they now are. 

I needed that reminder, too.  It easy to forget (or take for granted) that when my "land" is flowing with milk and honey and things are going great, that it was God that brought me there.

I was born in an absolutely, beautiful, free country - - that was God.
My amazing childhood, surrounded by family that loved me no matter what - - God too!
My loyal friends that are so much fun to hang out with and allow me to lean on when I need support - - God.
Two beautiful children that I was blessed beyond measure with - my heavenly father.
A partner to share life's valley's and mountains with, someone who has my back, no matter what -- God planned that one, as well. 
A home, car, money to buy food, clothing and whatever might come along - all God!
I could keep going...

Often times, the journey is rough along the way. 

For the Isrealites, they were slaves but God delivered them.  They were hungry - God fed them manna. 
They were thirsty and water flowed from a rock - coincidence?  I think not... 

Moses taught them that those circumstances, those times of trials, were allowed by God to humble them so they would never think it was on their own strength and engery that made them wealthy.

He also noted that even when God disciplined them, He did it to help a parent loves their child. 

I find myself rereading little details that could be easily missed.  Small details that uncover God's great power!  "Their clothes didn't wear and their feet didn't blister and swell during the 40 years they were in the dessert!" 

...and I'm sure they appreciated it! 

Oh!  How He loves us!  

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