Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A legacy worth living for....

Deuteronomy 12 - 34

The finish line is just around the bend!  I can see the end of this book as I round the corner! 

Although there have been many truths and encouraging passages in this book, there has also been an awful lot of rules and regulations for a time period that is really hard for me to relate to.

I found myself "skimming" as I read about how the Israelites weren't supposed to plow with an ox and a donkey together, or wear clothes made of wool and linen woven together. 


Are we supposed to apply these rules today?  Do we ignore them?  Simply dismiss them as they are for people "a long time ago in a land far away...."? 

What was their purpose?  How do we decide which rules do apply today? 

So many questions...and like I mentioned earlier - it makes for a long read.

That's why I get so excited when a passage, or a promise, such as the following, comes along!  

"Do not be afraid as you go out to fight today!  Do not lose heart or panic.  For the Lord, your God, is going with you!  He will fight for you against your enemies, and He will give you victory." (Chapter 20:3-4)

That, my readers, is a GREAT promise! 

Moses is using the last days, weeks and months of his life to tell the Israelites over and over again, that God will either bless them greatly...or curse them greatly.  It's their choice. 

And just like we do as parents, he spends double time in warning mode - telling them in great detail of how they will be cursed. 

He explains how easy it is and how it brings God great pleasure to bless them, if they only "love the Lord and keep His commands, laws and regulations by walking in His ways."

He reminds them that God's laws aren't secrets, or held in distant places but have been revealed in a very clear way.

He even writes a song for Israel to memorize!  An easy way for them to remember his teachings!  How funny is that?  I used to do the same thing with my children when they were younger to help them study for tests! 

Before He died, Moses made sure the people of Israel knew that Joshua was their new leader and a prophet.  He wanted to be sure they knew they weren't going to be "shepherdless."

...and so ends the life of Moses.  Just like that.  I came to the paragraph and read of his death.  Four verses. 

Like a breath. 

It reminded me that we are all the same.  People will read of our death, in the paper - a couple of paragraphs (if we're lucky)....just like Moses.

Our life, like Moses', will be as a breath.  A mere vapour in the big scheme of things.   

Moses left a great legacy.  He was a human instrument in the creation of the nation of Israel.   He lead them our of slavery, unleashed the ten plaques against Egypt, he guided the freed slaves for 40 years, he carried down the law from Mount Sinai and he prepared God's people to enter the promised land. 

But above all that, he was a man that loved and obeyed God.

I'm pretty sure I won't free a nation in my lifetime, (although that's for God to decide) but do pray that my legacy is that of Moses.

I want to be known as someone who loved and obeyed God.

...with ALL my heart.

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