Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What? No power locks?

Numbers 8-12

Finally!  The Israelites are moving on to the promised land!  I just love how God guides a cloud.  I can't imagine how they must have felt, after a year or so, the cloud lifts from the tabernacle and starts along it's journey....

How excited they must have been!  God, Himself, guiding them!!

But ooooh nooo.  They start to complain again.  It's not enough that God is providing shelter from the scorching desert sun (the cloud), and being the ultimate personal tour guide - complete with free meals (manna).  Noooo, they have to complain because they don't have meat to eat!

Even Moses is grumbling at this point, asking God to spare him the misery of carrying the burdens of everything.  He's so aggravated He asks God to kill him!

Reminds me of my old babysitting days.....

God, once again shows them His power.  He sends meat, he sends them quail.  Enough to feed them for a month!  600,000 soldiers, and their families.  

It was actually pretty funny the way God did it.  (Chapter 11:19,20) 

He said, (in my own words, however very close to His) "You want meat??  I'll give you meat..and it won't be for just a day or two, or for 5, 10 or even 20 days!!  You're going to eat it until you can't stand it anymore - you'll be gagging on it!!"

The bible says in verse 20 that God felt rejected.  Do I make God feel rejected?  The next time I go on and act like the Israelites (because I will), complaining, ungrateful, discontent, I need to realize what I am ultimately doing.  I'm rejecting God, and all He's done for me and given me. 

Who cares if I have to clean my safe, warm house, every single day?  So what if my sometimes, unreliable (second) car doesn't have power locks?  God has provided for me in ways that I didn't even have to ask for.  

And for that I am thankful, even if it means renewing my mind on a daily (or hourly) basis .

Cause I can be a bit forgetful at times.   

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