Saturday, January 22, 2011

Trying not to sleep with Hagar!

Genesis 10 - 32

I read more than usual this morning. I couldn't help it, I felt like I had picked up this novel that I just couldn't put down!  As I was reading, I couldn't help but think of something I heard a few days ago that seems to just "fit" with my passage today.

God has a way of doing that. :)

Someone asked me, "Do you feel like you are learning lessons today, that will help you handle tests God has for you tomorrow?"

I shared with that person that I have felt for quite some time that God is preparing my heart for something big.  I've felt it even more so in the last two weeks.

It's like I'm cramming for some huge exam and I just can't get enough moments with God, soaking in all of His wisdom!

Abraham had many faith stretching experiences before "the big one".  When it came time, he was faithful to God and chose to obey, even if it cost him his son.

I pray for faith like Abraham...

...and I especially pray God never asks me to sacrifice my son!

Chapter 15 verse 6:

"Abraham believed and the Lord declared him righteous because of his faith."

I am a firm believer that that verse is for me too. God says I'm righteous simply because I believe! Once again I've been let go of STRIVING for perfection!

Looking back though, Abraham didn't always trust God. In fact, he ran ahead of God and decided to fulfill a promise that God was responsible to fulfill. God told him that he would be a father of a great nation!  When it didn't happen in the time frame that Abraham thought it should happen, he went so far as to sleep with Hagar (NOT his wife) to ensure he became a father!

I'm not sure if he didn't believe God, or perhaps thought God was taking His good ol' time, but whatever the reason, he took it upon himself to do God's work. ...and ended up causing more problems, which often happens when we try to jump ahead of God. (whenever I read this story, I always end up feeling bad for Hagar!)

I'm so thankful for Abraham's story because I'm able to see how much his faith grew. He went from not believing God will do what He says, to trusting God so much that he was willing to sacrifice his son. No questions asked!

I'm encouraged to know that God never gave up on him! God is faithful even when we're not.

God know's we won't have "the faith of Abraham" right from the get go. Heck, Abraham didn't start out with "the faith of Abraham"!

Baby steps. It's about learning to trust him in the little things, so that when the "big one" comes along - it's a no brainer! "Of course I will trust that God will work this out. I don't know how, but I know it's no problem for God!"

I am so thankful for what He's teaching me and how He is changing me. I know I have far to go, but I can't believe how far I have already come.

...and I know He's is pleased with me. :)

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