Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What? Only 4 per customer??

Exodus 16 - 31

Ugh!  So. many. rules.  What is it about about rules?  It doesn't really matter how old you are, rules just stink!! (Well most, anyway...)

When you're young, it's "make your bed, brush your teeth."

In high school it's "be home by 10:30, do your homework". 

Even now, I'm almost 40 and I hate to hear, "only 4 per customer".  I mean really!! 

I've heard many "rumors" about ALL the commands and laws in the Old Testament and I must admit I've never taken the time to actually read them. 

Oh, I've started many times...but then I wake up the next morning with my bible resting comfortably on my chest and a "crooked glasses" imprint on my face.

Of course, I've read the Ten Commandments.  Even memorized them as a kid - but they're just "old testament."  Aren't they?  Jesus came to "replace" old law.  Didn't he?

Jesus often referred to the commandments, even going so far as to suggest we go beyond - making them, not only "action" rules, but matters of the heart. 

"Don't commit adultery".  Jesus took it a step further.  "Don't even look at another woman with lust."  

Makes sense, really.  I mean why would I expect God to bless my marriage, if I'm not honouring it with my whole heart? 

God wants to do awesome stuff in our lives but we have to do our part too.

But...uh...I keep - well...kind of, try to, keep, the commandments.  Let's see, I certainly don't murder!  I haven't committed adultery.  I don't steal...much.  Hmmm...what have I stolen in the past month?  Year?  I just keep forgetting to put that dollar back in the cash box, I just never seem to have one on me at the right time. 

Hmmmm...what about stealing time?  How often do I surf the net at work?  How many times a day do I check facebook at work?  and if my boss doesn't mind, why do I turn it off as he walks by?  

What about coveting?  Uh...I'm not even going there.  Let's just say I try to be happy when my friend gets a new hot tub in her back yard or my sister's husband makes breakfast in bed for her for the third time this week!  Yeah.  Guess I'm still working on that one.

Do I keep the Sabbath holy?  Thinking back on the last four Sundays...did I even rest for 5 minutes?  Besides church...what makes my Sunday stand out from the rest of the week? 

Moving on down the list...oh good, here's one!  I would NEVER worship Buddha or melt all my gold and make an idol shaped as a calf.  Imagine!  Nope!  No idols for me!!  Hmmmm...if someone were to observe me for a day, what would they see as my "god"?  Facebook?  A clean house? A great blog?

God gave us commands for a reason.  

They protect us, profit us.  We often think about rules as something that takes away our freedom, however when we follow rules, commands or laws - it actually make us free. 

Think about society for a second, the same is true.  If we break the law - we lose our freedom.  Alternatively, when we follow the law, we remain free!  

So, reading on, past the "Ten Commandments" passage God continues listing a ton of rules and ceremonies.  Rules that I can barely read through, let along follow.  I believe they made a lot of sense at the time.  I'm sure there was a reason and purpose behind each of them.  Especially the one about not boiling a young goat in its mother's milk.  Seriously, have you ever wondered what their reaction was?  "Aw, man!  It's just NOT going to taste the same if I don't boil my young goat in it's mother's milk! No fair!  Well...there goes supper."  (I may have to look into that command...see if I can find the history behind it.  Weird.)  

But the commandments are different, somehow.  The other laws He gave to Moses to pass on.  However God, Himself, spoke to the people concerning the commandments.  "These are the big ones", He was saying.  "The ones I really want you to get."  He didn't want to chance anyone getting them messed up through mis-communication.  

And really when I think about it, they're not unreasonable. You know?  If we could look at them from God's point of view, "Come on, guys, don't kill each other.  It's not nice.  And really, you need a day to rest so you can be your best heading into a new week.  While your at it, stay true to your wife.  Trust me when I say if you cheat on her your entire family will be broken."  

They only make sense. 

Sure, I believe that Jesus came to be the final sacrifice so we didn't have to kill stuff anymore to say sorry to God....or to thank God....or to worship God.  But at what point did we decide it was OK to take something that wasn't ours?  To long for a house or car like our neighbors?  Or to misuse the name of the Lord?  

From this day forward, I will no longer look at the commandments as "old testament" or "something I memorized in Sunday school" but I will recognize them as words so important to my God that He spoke them His very self to His chosen people.

...and had Moses transcribe them in stone.  Twice.

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