Sunday, January 23, 2011

Whatever is available

"Now go and do as I have told you. I will help you speak well, and I will tell you what to say."
- Exodus 4:12

Today, I'm claiming that verse as a promise!  Moses was convinced that he was of no use to God becuase he couldn't speak well. Patiently, God told him that HE could use "whatever is available" to accomplish His plan and fulfill His promise.

If I make myself available, even if/when I don't feel adequate - God can and will use me.

I studied the book, "Secrets of the Vine", in my small group this fall - the passage from John 15 - and so I've been trying to find ways to make a difference in someone's life everyday. This "old testament" passage (quoted above, Ex 4:12), words that God spoke thousands of years previous, encourages me as I read my Saviour's words, "bear much fruit", on the eve of His death.

In John 15, when Jesus tells his diciples to "bear fruit" he's saying that God wants to reach, bless, save, meet the needs of everyone around me - to bring Himself glory!

There are many days I can barely meet my own needs, let alone feel adequate enough to meet the urgent needs of those living in hurt and fear around me. But, in Exodus, Chapter 4 - God reminded me that it's not by my power! He's going to use "whatever" is available!! That's me!! ...if I'm willing.

Lord, give me the will, strength and boldness to always be willing.

I'm pretty sure God's not recruiting me to lead a nation out of bondage, like Moses, but He definitely wants to show what He can accomplish though me. He'll "help me speak well" and "tell me what to say".
 It's so neat how God, once more, connects the Old and New Testemant -words spoken 1000's of years apart come alive and come together in new ways every time I read them.

And they mean so many different things too, depending on the context in which I am reading them, given the situation I am in or an issue I am dealing with at the time - God's word can mean something to me one day and the very next day, the exact same verse can be understood differently. 

..and each time it touches and teaches me in a whole new way.

I guess that's why it's called "The Living Word".

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