Isn't it typical that Adam blamed everyone BUT himself when he was caught sinning? But the woman you gave me made me do it!"
Was he blaming the woman for giving him the apple or was he blaming God for giving him the woman? Perhaps both? (...and YES, I realize Eve did her own share of blaming too!)
It's funny how we hear the same ol' story from our children!
"But Mom, if you hadn't put that plant there, I wouldn't have knocked it over!", or my favorite, "It's my brothers fault I hit him...he was bugging me!"
Ah, silly children. ...and then we grow up into mature adults who would never blame anyone for mistakes we make...right?
Really though, I don't know why we even bother to make excuses. God knows why we did it. He knew were were going to sin before we did! He's probably just like we are with our children, shaking our head saying, "Just clean it up and try to not do it again, OK?" Sheesh.
You know, I really don't think it matters to God so much why we sin but that we acknowledge it for what it is and ask for forgiveness when it does happen. Ideally, we go even one step further and try to resist it in the first place. God gave us the power to do so! He's given us authority over the enemy!!
"Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy..." - Luke 10:19
So..I have power over the enemy - after letting that truth sink in for a moment I come to a realization. Shoot! Does that mean I can't even blame satan? But how in the world does God expect me to resist temptation?
After digging a little, I found instruction.
"Humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." - James 4:7
"Run from anything that stimulates youthful desires. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts" 2 - Tim 2:22
It's awesome for me to understand that I have a Father that doesn't just command me to resist temptation but He gives me instruction on how to do it! Even when I do mess up (and that's often) He forgives me over and over again - so patiently.
I wonder, how many people see God as someone "up there watching, just waiting for me to mess up so he can punish me? Disappointed in me...once again..."
Nothing could be further from the truth!
When our children are learning to walk and they fall down (over and over again) we don't shake our head, call them a screw up, start planning on how we are going to punish them this time and walk away! We don't say, "I can't believe they fell down again! I'm done with them! They will NEVER learn how to walk!!"
No, we help them up and we lovingly send them on their way again. At times, we even hold their hand for as long as they need us too.
Why would I expect anything different from my heavenly Father?
Something that surprised me (and caused me look at my sin in a whole different way) in Genesis, Chapter 6 was when God said that He was sorry He even made mankind and that their wickedness "broke His heart".
Wow. God's heart breaks. MY thoughts and actions break God's heart. The creator of the universe. He, who made the tiny little legs on a centipede and commands the sun to rise, is grieved when I sin.
It's humbling to know that God loves me that much. There are so many times I disregard His love by sinning (on purpose) because I know he will forgive me. Isn't that taking advantage of God?
"Yeah, I'm gossiping but God knows my heart. He knows I would never hurt any one's feelings on purpose. I'm only doing it to be funny or fit in."
"I'm just going to download this one movie, God knows I'm broke. I'll buy a membership on payday and that will make up for it."
"God knew how frustrated when I used that language. He forgives me."
He does forgive....but it still grieves Him. There's not a lot I can do for God. He doesn't "need" anything from little ol' me. How then, can I prove to Him that I love Him? I can obey.
I heard a quote the other day and I love it....
"We don't obey God so he will love us. We do it to show we love Him."
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