Thursday, January 27, 2011

A good friend, indeed!

Exodus 31 - 40

These closing chapters taught me even more about God's character and His relationship to me.

First, in Chapter 31 - I love how He talks about the gifts He's given people.  It says, "I have...given him great wisdom and skill in all kinds of crafts."  (vs 3) and "I have given special skill to all naturally talented craftsmen."     

Can you imagine being able to give someone a skill?  I've been pretty excited to give people gifts, to the point that I can hardly wait for them to open them!  Especially when I make a homemade gift.  But really, we're talking scrapbooks and hand wash from Bath and Body Works, here.  I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to point at someone and say..."I hear by give you the gift to sing songs like angels!"  Bam!  What power!!  

I just think it's awesome, and it shows how big God is.  He has a plan and He created and gifted everyone of us in a certain way to carry out His plan.  I just think that is so cool.

Another thing about God.  He changes His mind.  Moses asked Him to change His mind about His plans and God did!  (32:12-14) Good to know.

Later in that same chapter, He gets the Levites to kill those who "didn't go on the Lord's side."  What the heck?  Must say, having a hard time with that one.  I don't understand why God would do that.  I know He wants us to love Him above all else but I've always understood that there will be a time and place for judgement.  And making brother kill brother?  Father turn against son?  Ugh.  Three thousand were killed that day.  I know I may never understand why, I just have to trust that God had a reason.   

And really, when it comes right down it - He's God, and I'm not.  He doesn't have to explain anything to me.  That's where faith comes in, and trusting that God never gives us second best. 

Ok, this next verse is so funny to me.  I'm sure it wasn't funny to God, but it shows me a side of Him that sounds just like a parent.

 "...but I will not travel along with you.  If I did, I would be tempted to destroy you along the way."
 - Exodus 33:3

Ha!  Actually, I quite enjoy travelling with my kids but I have had the "pleasure" of travelling with other families and I quite understand God's frustration with them.  I'm sure he feels the same way with His children today...and with me.

He was faithful with them time and time again.  They complained, doubted, sinned and even made a new "god" to worship!  ...and yet He still wanted to keep His promise - to give them this wonderful land - flowing with milk and honey. 

He just couldn't bring Himself to travel along with them, or He might kill them!  Totally understandable. 

A few other verses that gave me more "peaks" into God's heart and how He feels about me.

33:14 - "I will personally go with you, I will give give you rest - everything will be fine for you."

33:17 - " are my friend."

34:14 - "for He is a God who is passionate about His relationship with you."

I always knew God loved me but it really feels awesome to hear Him say, "you are my friend and I am passionate about you."  

Not only that but He has the power to "give me rest and make everything fine!"

Now THAT'S a good friend to have!!


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